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Topic: The name - Der Name

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The meaning of the Iseli surname (Posted by transfer on Thursday, December 15, 2005 - 12:58 PM)
The name - Der Name

Sometimes, the meaning of a surname is very clear. This is not the case with the Iseli surname. The different meanings given in this article are only hypotheses.

The Most Abused Short Name in America (Posted by transfer on Wednesday, December 14, 2005 - 01:52 PM)
The name - Der Name We are not sure how many possible American spelling of Iseli there may be. Since most name changes took place at the time of immigration, all Swiss documents have the original spelling and all American documents have the new spelling.

Are you an Iseli? (Various Surname Spellings) (Posted by transfer on Wednesday, December 14, 2005 - 12:48 PM)
The name - Der Name If you just stumbled on this site and wonder, whether you are part of the family or not, it would be wise to first read this article. It outlines where the name comes from and what spelling variations exist nowadays. It also lists names which look or sound similar, but are not related to the Iseli family.



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