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Eight and a half years of guestbook entries (part 2)Posted by erichiseli on Sunday, January 08, 2006 - 10:30 AM
logansoprt, indiana, 07.01.01 - 20:12 i'm looking for the isley's that came from germany. starting with ludwig isley who come over on the ship osgood in 1750. would like to know how many kids came with him, or how many brothers. i know we start with ludwig,son malachi, son phillip, son phillip, son henry, son lawrance, son andrew, and son larry (my husband). if anyone has information please let me know. great site!!!!!!
Colville, Washington, USA, 05.01.01 - 06:55 My name is Gordon Carlton. My dad is Henry Carlton and his dad was James Charles Carlton, whose wife was Emma Steffen, whose mother was Rosina Iseli, whose father was David Iseli, born 6-13-1824 in Luetzelflueh, BE, CH, and married 12-13-1850 to Magdalena Schindler.
Clay Center, KS USA, 02.01.01 - 02:47 My greatgrandfather was David Iseli, christening 13 June 1824 in Luetzelflueh, BE, CH. My grandfather was Christian Iseli, christening 29 Aug 1865 in Luetzelflueh. He died 3 Jun 1934 in Dickinson County, Kansas. Burial: near Industry,KS USA (Greenridge Cemetry) My father was John Iseli born 22 Feb., 1899 near Industry, KS USA. Died 12 Aug, 1999 Dickinson County, KS USA. Burial:near Industry, KS USA (Greenridge Cemetry) Suid-Afrika, 28.12.00 - 18:55 Is die "Eiselen"s van Suid-Afrika ook familie?? Nederland/Suid Afrika, 28.12.00 - 14:42 Hi
Westalke & Put-in-Bay, Ohio, 25.12.00 - 20:44 Hello,
California, 15.12.00 - 04:00 I want to know where my name originate. south africa, 13.12.00 - 16:06 my name is jessica and i live in south africa. i found the site after trying to search for my mother's maiden name, ISSEL. U.S. Missouri, 08.12.00 - 03:35 Hello All: I was given your address from another person on the internet: I have family that came from Switzerlan and my Ggrandfather Peter Hans Schwab B.9 Nov 1829 in Wileroltigen D. 16 Jan 1885 He M. Anna Maria BAUMANN on 9 Mar 1861 in Bern at the HOLY SPIRIT Church They had five children The 1st one my grandfather: Johannes Schwab B.26 Jun 1861 D.1 Jan 1930 in Switzerland buried at Cordast.What is the name of the cemetery?He remarried when he went back I'd like to know who to;and the children I'm told there are five.
Akron Indiana, 07.12.00 - 21:31 My husbands last name is Isley, although his heritage traces back to Germany I was wondering if there is a connection. Will register and look for more info. Thanks Eileen Isley. Dexter, NY, 02.12.00 - 00:11 Looking for possible family connection.
Johannesburg , Suid Afrika, 26.11.00 - 08:32 Dit is baie wonderlik om op hierde web af te gekom het. {dmv} Ek sal graag van ander lede van dwars oor diw wereld wil hoor. Pos gerus na my ryssel(at) ' Hoop dit gaan great met almal van julle! Arab, Al 35016, 24.11.00 - 03:01 I have been searching for many years for our family connection in GERMANY. My first ancestor in America (North Carolina) was Malachi, born in Germany in 1725. Does anyone have an idea of where to begin a search in Germany? , Johannesburg, Suid Afrika, 18.11.00 - 13:44 Hi Family members! I am Johan Yssel from South Africa and my language is Afrikaans. I am part of the Ventersdorp branch. My father (Matthys Johannes Yssel) was born on the farm Elandskuil in Venterdorp in 1946 in the house on 8 April. They call him Thys. He is a teacher in Sabie near the Kruger National Park. I have got the same names as my father (Matthys Johannes) and my birthday is also 8 April!!! They call me Johan.
Bellville Suid-Afrika, 15.11.00 - 10:10 Ek het toevallig hier op afgekom. Is op soek na my ouma se voorgeslagte. Sy was Sarah Maria Yzelle. Dogter van DR (genoem Dick) Yzelle. Hy was getroud met Maria Elsabeth Botha.Hy was op deadwoodkamp in St Helena en het nog ministens 2 kinders gehad. Een wat dood is in die griepepidemie in 1918 en 'n D Yzelle (Jnr) My ouma was gebore 11 Jun 1911 en is oorlede op 6 Aug 1989. Sy was getroud met Nicolaas Johannes Gauch?.
Dallas, Texas, 01.11.00 - 02:40 I never realized that there where so many spelling of the name. I orginally came from Columbus, Ohio. My grandfather
Wisconsin, 31.10.00 - 16:55 Hey keep up the good work and u guys reak of awesomeness !!! ventersdorp, 28.10.00 - 22:07 intresante website
R?edisbach, 05.10.00 - 21:57 Hallo,
247 Benjamin St. Harrington, DE 19952, 04.10.00 - 21:53 Just was interested in seeing where the website would take me. North Kansas City, MO, 02.10.00 - 12:10 Hello, I am a descendant of Robert Easley who emigrated to Virginia. I am happy to have found this site. I must go at this time, since I have to get ready for work. I will be back to look at everything. Thanks for bringing us this information. My mother was Easley.
Clackamas Oregon, 21.09.00 - 00:13 To all the Iseli's in the world:SALUTATIONS
Johannesburg Suid-Afrika, 20.09.00 - 19:54 My naam is Andrea Yssel nou getroud met C.J. OBERHOLZER. Ek is van die Yssel's van Elandskuil te Venterdorp. Ek sal graag van ander Yssel's wil hoor. My pa se naam was ANDRIES GERHARDUS CHRISTIAAN YSSEL. Gebore die 20st April 1918 Oorlede 9 Oktober 1982. Ek het nog drie broers . Hulle name is
Andrea H.L. (YSSEL) Oberholzer Plymouth, Wisconsin, 08.09.00 - 03:44 Nothing yet just wanted you all to know I'm an Isely Madrid Spain, 02.09.00 - 10:36 I was fascinated to see a John FRAUTSCHI in the family tree. I am searching for the Frautschi who might be our original family member from Switzerland and also his place of birth. I am Living in Madrid Spain - born in Kenosha Wi.
Augusta, Georgia, 02.09.00 - 04:04 Our family has recently starting researching the Iseli side of the family tree. My grandparents Christian and Adeline Iseli immigrated from Switzerland and settled in Enterprise, Kansas. Somewhere, 01.09.00 - 09:59 My entire life I was under the impression that there was nobody out there with my name. It feels good to be wrong. My dad named me after him -his name was Lesley. ESLEY ANNE PHILANDER 1138 SUTTON RD HIAWASSEE GA.30546, 24.08.00 - 16:22 what a lovely place my family came from there in the 1700s,, we were farmers and moved to fertile land in SE Pennstlvania where we have a road & a shurch named HOSSLER we no longer farm but want to visit our homeland someday. New York State, 24.08.00 - 01:33 I am researching the name of Teuscher, who resided in Diemtigen (Bern). Any information would be appreciated Kansas City, Missouri, 01.08.00 - 15:12 Hi!
south africa, 29.07.00 - 13:17 paul: west indies.
johannesburg, south africa, 29.07.00 - 13:10 hi. my mother was saras issel. she was born on 10 september 1946 and died on december 13 1995.
johannesburg, south africa, 29.07.00 - 13:05 hi. am still researching my links. have only limited local information to go on as oldest relative is only 70 years old. i am 29 so whatever i can get from the site is indeed helpful.
Guadeloupe (France), 25.07.00 - 20:45 Hi! I'm looking for informations about the places of: ISEL (Cumberland.U.K) and Mount Isel (Austria). Any relation between them? Thank you. Paul Isel Fribourg, Switzerland, 22.07.00 - 15:15 Amanda,
Somewhere, 22.07.00 - 14:39 I am only 16 and very curious about my father's side of the family. The "iseli's" i thought huh it would really neat to know where my name and family is from.So really i am on a mission and hopin i will be an sucess.
Amanda Jane Iseli Sydney Australia, 22.07.00 - 09:12 I thought I was descended from Normans but your site indicates differently./ I would like to find out more. Cleveland, 16.07.00 - 03:08 Looking for an Aunt, Ada Schueneman who married an Elmer Iseli in Cleveland, Ohio early 1900's. Chicago, USA und Bellach, CH, 07.07.00 - 19:00 Gute und interessante Seite!
4800 Zofingen, 28.06.00 - 20:47 Finde ich sehr gut, dass man via Internet Ahnenforschung betreiben kann.
Roanoke, VA, 28.06.00 - 02:50
Stellenbocsh, Suid-Afrika, 27.06.00 - 12:57 Hallo
Edmonds, Washington USA, 25.06.00 - 05:44 Hello everybody,
Bondorf, Baden-W?rttemberg, Deutschland, 24.06.00 - 18:39 Hello friends of genealogy,
Bondorf, Baden-W?rttemberg, Deutschland, 24.06.00 - 18:35 Hallo Freunde,
Rigby, Idaho, U.S.A., 17.06.00 - 06:55 My name is Ron Butikofer. I am of Swiss
Michigan in the u.s.a, 17.06.00 - 02:01 I don't guess or know if I am a family member or not. Was looking for meyers. and was just trying to get back to where I was.
en Guadeloupe, 08.06.00 - 20:48 Hi ! my name is Paul Isel. I am French and live in Guadeloupe (West Indies).I am looking for my roots I did not Know there are so many Isel's,Isely's...around the world;Your work is great.Congratulations... Juda, WI, 11.05.00 - 03:34 Just wanted to say hi, and what this is all about. I have heard about our site but have not looked it up yet. Geneva, Switzerland, 10.05.00 - 14:55 Thank you for creating this site. I am searching my roots like so many other people. My ancestor, Peter Herr, probably originated in Switzerland, although he lived in Germany at the time he emigrated to America in 1749. Wollongong, Australia, 05.05.00 - 07:18 I live in Wollongong, Australia and are not aware of any other Isley's in our state, it is amazing to find that we have a website. North Myrtle Beach, S.C,, 28.04.00 - 04:34 Just checked to see what if any info was about the Isley name. Iowa, 26.04.00 - 18:08 My name is Esley Pritchard. I found your web site by typing in my first name...Esley. My first name was my great grandmother's. My family is suposed to be English/ Welsh or of other desent in Europe. If you could give me any information of the origin or meaning of my name, I would appreciate it. My family's geneology is a mystery to us.
York, PA, USA, 22.04.00 - 23:05 Thank You for your help in searching my relatives. I am still searching and hope to find something eventually through your site. Cheshire, 16.04.00 - 17:44 I found this site via the Latter Day Saints geneological search Sausalito, California, 15.04.00 - 21:04 This is great. I live in the San Francisco Bay area. My Email Rhisely(at)
Algonquin, Illinois, USA, 15.04.00 - 19:09 Hi I am Michael Clouser . I am searching for Glauser/Clauser ancestors who lived in Canton Bern and were intermarried with Iseli family members. NY, 14.04.00 - 13:53 Hello,
Louisville, KY, 13.04.00 - 17:15 I am searching for the family of Isalys who are reuniting in Switzerland Summer or 2001.
CA, 11.04.00 - 20:14 Hello,
South Royalton, Vt, 10.04.00 - 22:30 My great-great grandmother was an Isely from North Carolina, born somewhere between 1790 and 1810.
Seattle, Washington, 08.04.00 - 14:49 Great site! nice to see so many Iseli family members. I'm from Seattle, Wa and this is fantastic to happen across this site. I found it using GOOGLE.
Ontario, N.Y., 06.04.00 - 00:31 I,m looking for The "ESLEY" family's that reside in the USA to update my famly tree...Thanks.... wapadrand,pretoria, 30.03.00 - 15:10 very good,my name is gerhard yssel born in pretoria on 04.09.1947 and would like to register Abilene,Kansas.67410. USA, 29.03.00 - 06:49 My grandfather Chris E. Iseli was born in Lutselflich Switzerland Aug. 29,1865,son of David & Magdelena Iseli.He had 7 brothers & 7 sisters.Fred & Jacob also came to the United States.Rosa & Rosette also came here.I would like to hear from any of David Iseli's descendants.I live near Abilene Kansas.A few years ago my cousin was in Switzerland and visted the home where my grandfather was raised.Werner Iseli lived there at that time. Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada, 21.03.00 - 06:04 I am surprised to find so many spellings for the name Isley. I thought the roots were German? Nice to see a web page on the Name. holland, 18.03.00 - 20:20 hello,
juda, wi, 16.03.00 - 16:50 Hi, would like to update the family tree for the green county isely branch,
East Amherst, New York, 16.03.00 - 06:48 Just found this site through the Alta Vista Search engine. Trying to find out about my ancestors from Grafenreid, Switzerland. We've traced our family back to Hans Iseli and his wife Barbara Kunz who lived in Grafenreid in the early to mid 1700's. New Port Richey , FL, 09.03.00 - 03:33 Hello,
Cham, Switzerland, 30.01.00 - 20:47 We have just discovered your homepage. My name is Werner Iseli from Hasle near Burgdorf in the Emmental, Bern, Switzerland. I was born on 12th June, 1946 in Hasle. We still have a few relatives in Hasle and in Biembach near Hasle. I live now in Cham (Zug) and we have 4 children, 3 boys, 1 girl = 4 more Iseli. po box 9-1011 anchorage,alaska 99509, 25.01.00 - 22:04 my name is james a verhaeghe.i live in anchorage alaska. my e-mail address veegee(at) would like information on my mothers side genealogy:frieda borter born oct 13,1888. father joseph borter mother suzanne seamater. siblings albert,rosa and emmie. children albert,frieda,rosa immigrated to usa. emmie wed german citizenn and resided in berlin. would appreciate any assist that can obtained. we have a grandson working towards a scouting badge. this has been a family endeavor;whowever, we have no birth records betond that of my mother frieda. again thank you for whatever help you can provide. Boone, North Carolina, 24.01.00 - 05:19 My name is Mark Isley. I am curious about my family heritage and started looking. I am from Asheboro North Carolina. This is were my parents live and my granparent lived. I would like to find out more about the origin and migration of my ancestors. If anyone can help I would be greatful. Manchester, UK, 17.01.00 - 15:31 Some of my ancestors have the name Iley, but they also spelt the name Isley. They were based (and many still are) in the Northumberland area of the UK. Is it possible they are connected to the Iseli name?
19015 Pete Hickman Road Saucier,MS 39574, 12.01.00 - 15:55 I am Susan Lynn Isely and am the great granddaughter of Christtian H. Isely and Elise Dubach Isely. I reside in Ms and look forward to looking into my lineage. Thank you for this informative web site. Sandnessj?en, Norway, 11.01.00 - 03:35 I am very interested in finding out information on my family the last name is Neiderman and I know that my grandfather was from Neiderburen Junction City, Ore., 11.01.00 - 03:10 Hello all my name is Dave Iseli live in Junction City, Or. This is cool lots of Iseli'
usa, 07.01.00 - 15:57 Very informative site. Especially interested in the Issell or Yssell surnames. Crisfield , Md. U.S.A., 27.12.99 - 00:45 Nice to find a site like this one . Hope to find info. on my family here . tacoma washington, 26.12.99 - 01:05 I am a Iseli and thanks for the website. I was trying to find out the meaning of my name and when I saw this on the website it really got my eyes. Thanks for the name. i do not know how I end up with this name but I am from the south pacific. American Samoa and do not know if I am connected to any of the Iseli families around the world.,
Somewhere, 08.12.99 - 04:49 Hello I am David's brother. We are the son of Ulrich Iseli of Zurich Switzerland denver, colorado, 08.12.99 - 04:41 hello fellow Iseli's. Buenos Aires-ARGENTINA, 18.11.99 - 14:41 I?m very ,very happy to find you !!
Greeneville, TN USA, 16.11.99 - 01:09 You have a very interesting web site. Laufen, Switzerland, 09.11.99 - 17:21 Ich bin zwar kein Mitglied des Iseli_Clans, jedoch der Schwager von Priska Iseli. Beim Erstellen eines Stammbaums f?r meine Familie (Leemann von St?fa ZH) und die damit verbundenen Gespr?che mit meinem Bruder bin ich auf diese Site gestossen. Ich kann zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht absch?tzen, ob meine Familie jemals auch zu einer solch vorbildlichen Site gelangen wird; nachahmenswert ist sie auf jeden Fall. Kelowna, BC, Canada, 06.11.99 - 06:26 It was very nice to find this site.Thank you for taking the time to put it all together, you've done a wonderful job! It was very interesting. Somewhere, 30.10.99 - 16:55 I am searching for information on Bendix and Anna Isali who resided in Canton Bern and left Switzerland to come to the USA (Port of Baltimore) in Feb. 1852. They brought with them 5 children. Here he was known as Benedict Esale. Passenger list listed them as Bendix and Anna Isali. They left from Bremen on the ship the Bark Anna. Their children were Maria, Anna, Johonnes, Jacob and Friedrich.I am looking for any history previous to this time, marriage and birth records, etc. Thank you!!
London, 21.10.99 - 19:25 Thank you very much for this most wonderful site. It comes even more as a surprise as I'm used to be the only one called Iseli wherever I go. I simply never realise how many people share the same surname. Thank you again.
Argos, IN, 07.10.99 - 05:43 I have little to go on, but am trying to find an Annely Isely who married a Ulrich Lichty born 1695. They probably migrated from Switzerland to Montbeliard, France after 1723, as did the Schwartz, Kauffman, Schmucker and Stoll families.
Ketchikan, Alaska, 06.10.99 - 19:36 My name is Sandy Isley. My husband Elzie's ancestors came from Rosenfeld, Germany. Ludwig Eiszele came to the United States on the ship Osgood on September 29, 1750. He and his family settled in North Carolina. In the mid 1800s, Elzie's great-grandparents came by train to Oregon and settled in the Divide area near Joseph and Enterprise. Elzie is the oldest of eight children of Alvin and Beulah (Wright) Isley. Most of his family still resides in the area. Elzie is there right now hunting deer and elk with his brothers. The ride into their camp on horseback. Sandra L. (Junge) Isley (Homepage) United States, 05.10.99 - 20:10 I was born an Iselin. This is the closest variation of my name that I have found. My name is Beth Iselin. My family believes that our descendants come from Norway from my father's side. My mother's side is Russian. Heron is her family name.
GALVESTON TX, 29.09.99 - 00:29 This is great. My name is Robin Esley. I am the daughter of Donald W Esley. I have been told that our decendents came to Rochester NY from England. If you think you may be decendent of my family please contact me at my friends email address nie57(at) galveston,texas, 28.09.99 - 23:50 my father was excited about this web site. I am excited to have found you.please reach me at my friends e-mail address below. Gaziantep, Turkey, 13.09.99 - 10:59
Ketchikan, Alaska, 12.09.99 - 01:14 Greetings from Ketchikan, Alaska S.F. Bay Area, California, USA, 10.09.99 - 6:15 I am looking for the parentage of Nellie (Ellenor) Iseley who was born in North Carolina (USA) about 1813. She married Green Nicholas in Guilford County, North Carolina on 7 February 1833. This family went to Illinois from 1834 through about 1840. Next they were in Jasper County, Missouri where, living close-by was a Jacob Isley also from North Carolina. Ellenor was my 3rd great-grandmother. missouri, 06.09.99 - 22:09 HELLO FOR THE FIRST TIME. I AM RESEARCHING HENRY ISLEY BIRTH 1842,MARRIED TO MARY E ISLEY BIRTH DEC 1854.IF ANYONE CAN HELP THAT WOULD BE GREAT.FOR NOW I WILL CONTINUE. THANK YOU
New Berlin, Wisconsin, 03.09.99 - 22:30 to Chris Isely (at) Camp Pendleton,Ca.
Chicago, IL, 17.08.99 - 18:18 hello my name is Isaly Acevedo. I was looking for some info about my name and realized that not only is it a last namebut that its background comes from germany and switzerland as well as other regions..funny considering im Puerto Rican.
Fall City, Wa., USA, 17.08.99 - 16:35 I am looking for a "Ted" Iseli, whose father's name was Ernest. Ted was the son of Ernest's first marriage. My father, Ernest's brother, Werner Walter originated from Tauffelen, Bern, son of Friedrich and Anna (Felber). He married Germaine Banderet, daughter of Charles Henri and Bertha (Stram). Thank you very much for this consideration.
Gahanna, Ohio, 16.08.99 - 21:53
Stow, Ohio 44224-1146, 15.08.99 - 21:37 I am a descendent of Maria Iseli born June 17, 1759 in Ta"uffeln, Canton Bern. She married
Pretoria, South Africa, 09.08.99 - 18:25 I only heard about this webb site today and is very keen to come in contact with members in other countries Camp Pendleton, CA USA, 02.07.99 - 23:17 I did not see my spelling of our name but there is a little pocket of Isele's in NJ USA Camp Pendleton, 02.07.99 - 22:25 I'm Chris Isely and I am in Camp Pendleton Ca originally from Monroe and was wondering if anybody would know the relation to Isele if there is any
Durham, North Carolina (USA), 27.06.99 - 00:59 looking for the father of Ludwig Isley. Born around 1705 in Rosenfeld, Wurttenburg, Germany and died in Guilford, North Carolina in 1788. The best place in the world Perth Western Australi, 25.06.99 - 13:47 Hi, I'm an Iseli from Luetzelflueh and I emigrated to Australia in 1974 my father was Ernst Iseli 1913-1976. Interestingly the message from Hans Iseli aus Hoellstein has cought my couriosity. My branch of Iseli's went from Luetzelflueh to "Baselbiet" in the towns of Tuernen, Itingen BL, Oberdorf ( Haas-Iseli) and Lausen, where I was born, I wonder whether Hans Iseli is related to My uncle Fritz Iseli Lausen or Werner Iseli Itingen. I'm using someones elses computer hopefully I'll be on the net soon and will have more infos about my branch of Iseli's 'til then all the Best.
Alfred (Fred) Iseli Formerly of Morley W Oxnard, CA, 23.06.99 - 04:14 I am looking for information on JACOB ISLEY, who was born April 20, 1825. He married Mary Jane Smith on January 25, 1849 in Missouri. They had a son (among other children I presume) whose name is Warren William Isley. He was born November 11, 1860 and married Elizabeth Causey. Sure would appreciate any information anyone may have. Thanks!! Paxinos Building 411, Bethlehem, 9700. Free State,, 21.06.99 - 15:15 It is a priviledge to be able to surf on the internet and to find that my family also have their little place in the world.
Dawid Hermanus Yzelle Somewhere, 19.06.99 - 03:44 Hello,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 18.06.99 - 19:24 I am looking for the family of ISELI, originally from Hasle, Lutzelfluh and Ruegsau, Kanton Bern, Switzerland. My father's brother, Ernst Baerfuss, Married Lina ISELI. I would like to communicate with family members regarding family history. Please contact me at: tjwhitfield(at) Thank you for responding. boise id, 17.06.99 - 05:15 im looking to find other Isleys related to Victor Byron Isley (Pete) or Bob or bill Isley. North Wales UK, 13.06.99 - 16:20 The following could be of interest :-
Atlanta, Georgia USA, 03.06.99 - 20:50 My mother is an Isley from North Carolina, USA.
2728 Debbie Lane Midwest City Oklahoma 73110, 30.05.99 - 23:03 Hope to hear from you soon. Somewhere, 25.04.99 - 20:05 Hans Iseli aus H?lstein, Schweiz, gr?sst alle Iselis! Hans Iseli 1033 Cheseaux/Lausanne, 14.04.99 - 22:03 Une de plus San Antonio, Texas, USA, 31.03.99 - 00:44 Hello from Texas!
New Berlin, Wis., 29.03.99 - 02:53 I have been reading the comments with interst.
RIFLE COLORADO U.S.A., 28.03.99 - 23:38 MY NAME IS DANNY R. ISLEY AND IM JUST BEGINNING TO RESEARCH THE FAMILY NAME. I REALLY DONT KNOW WHERE TO GO FROM HERE BUT IM SEARCHING... Alta Loma, Ca, 20.03.99 - 13:49 I don'tknow if there is any connection. I have information going back to the early 1800's on my tree. Would like to go back farther if possible. The spellingof my name is Isley. It is interesting to have a site like this. I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Berne, 19.03.99 - 17:39 many greetings from Roland Zoss-Iseli from the T?UFFELEN- BRANCH of the family.
New Berlin, Wi., 17.03.99 - 16:52 I have sent three E-mails & as of yet I have not received an answer. Would someone please respond to this? Thank you
Allen, Texas USA, 16.03.99 - 19:53 This is neat - I just found out this page existed. I'll be checking it out further.
Nottingham, England, 16.03.99 - 16:54 Hello, I am Winifred Marie Iseli, born on the 5 February 1952, in Kendal, Cumbria, England. If anyone wants to get in touch, I would be really glad to hear from you! My address is:
Washington State USA, 12.03.99 - 23:53 My Father was Elzie A. Isley, his was Alvin Isley, and his was Madison P. Isley. Not too sure of his father, but arrived in Oregon area in about 1870. If you want other info, my aunt has it to about 1750. Moreno Valley, California, 11.03.99 - 06:17 Just started my search of my family and checked in a couple of times before actually signing in and saying hello. I didn't think my roots would connect with yours, so just passed through a couple of times. However, today I realized that we might have some relation so decided to sign in and say hello. Just made a tentative connection to Ludwig Isley, born before 1705 in Rosenfeld, Germany, died 26 Jul 1788 in Guilford, N.C. He was married to Elizabeth (1709) of Germany. I look forward to a long and happy relationship. AR, USA, 03.03.99 - 15:54 I am an American Isely, searching for my ancestors: Charles Emil Isely born 1846 in Tauffelen, and married to Sophia Rosina-born 1847. Their children born in Bern: Marie, Rosa, Charles, Arthur, John(Johann), and Emma.
N. Illinois, 03.03.99 - 02:21 Excellent site, good pictures... I tripped over your site while checking out the Swiss geneology site.
Somewhere, 28.02.99 - 22:48 Bin wieder mal hier -
Naples, FL, 15.02.99 - 16:41 My grandfather was Robert Clay Smith, son of Roy Smith and Sara Depoy. Roy's mother was an Isaly (from the ice cream branch). My mother once attended a family reunion at Oglebay Park, WV and subsequently ordered a family tree which had me on it. This has since been misplaced, and I'd sure like to get a copy of the most recent one with me on it!
Elizabeth (Beth) Fulton Foss (Homepage) New Berlin, Wi., 29.01.99 - 20:33 Hi,
Ontario, Canada, 29.01.99 - 06:55 Hello, my name is Larry Martin,Ontario,Canada. I'm trying to trace my great,great grandfather Andrew Jacob Isley, Darmstadt, Hesson, Germany. He was born around 1815 and married Mariann Schott. He came to Ontario, Canada with three sons. Adam, John, & Henry. Adam went to New York state,around Syracuse, and John went to Iowa, USA. Henry stayed in Ontario, Canada. I'm really interested in Adams family who consisted of Amelia, Henry, Katherine and John Isley. Amelia married a Edward Woese. I have most of the information on Henry & John, but very little on Adam. If anyone would have information on Adam Isley side of the family please get in touch. My greatgrandfather Henry inlisted in the American Army in St. Louis during the Civil War and did his training at Fort Snelling and later returned to Canada. If you have any information on the Isley please get in touch. Columbus Ohio USA, 29.01.99 - 04:44 I was just playing around and found this site. It's always interesting to find out something about your family and where they came from.